Vision One Eyecare Optometrists reminds relatives not to ignore the glaucoma family connection.
As part of Glaucoma Week (August 17th โ 23rd), Vision One Eyecare is urging people who have a family history of glaucoma to have their eyes examined regularly.
Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease which can lead to blindness.
If you have a family member who has glaucoma, there is about a four times greater likelihood of you developing the disease.
People with a family history of glaucoma need to have their eyes examined every two years unless otherwise specified by their optometrist.
Glaucoma can be treated effectively, especially if it is detected early. Early detection increases treatment options, which can significantly slow the progression of the disease.
We also encourages people with glaucoma to play an active part in reminding their family members to book an eye examination.
It is crucial for people with glaucoma to speak to their families about this silent and progressive eye condition so they understand the necessity of regular eye examinations.
It is estimated that around 300,000 Australians have glaucoma and half are undiagnosed. The direct medical costs of glaucoma are almost $150 million annually.
- Regular eye examinations are the key to diagnosis and more effective treatment for glaucoma.
- There is a significant increased risk of developing glaucoma if you have a family history of glaucoma, diabetes, migraine, short sightedness (myopia), eye injuries, blood pressure or past or present use of cortisone drugs (steroids).
- If you have a family member who has glaucoma, you have about a four times greater likelihood of developing the disease.
- While initially there are few symptoms from glaucoma, in some cases patients may note blurred vision, coloured rings around lights, loss of side vision and/or pain and redness of the eye.
- Glaucoma can be treated effectively, especially if detected early. Treatment options include eye drops, laser and surgery.
- If you have glaucoma, encourage your family to visit an optometrist to have their eyes examined regularly.
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